Worship at 10 a.m.
Join us in-person or online!
On behalf of the people of Grace, we welcome you in the name of Christ!
Grace is a community of men, women, youth and children who celebrate God’s love for us by extending that love to others. Our life is centered in worship in which we hear God’s word and celebrate Christ’s presence with us in Holy Communion. Our life extends beyond the walls of the church as we engage in ministry among poor and marginalized people close to home, across Chicagoland, or across the world. We have a special place for young children and their families, as they engage in the challenges of raising children in 21st Century America.
Together, we strive to live out our church’s motto: “God’s work. Our hands.”
Welcome Video from Pastor Schwick
Congratulations Grace Garden Club
Congratulations to the Grace Garden Club for winning the 'Open Arms Award' at the Village of Mount Prospect’s Shining Star Awards gala on February 4, 2025
Click the video below to learn more!
Our Mission
Our mission is to tell the good news of Jesus and touch people with his love.
Our Vision
Our vision is to joyfully praise and serve God, committed to being a church of friendship, openness and diversity.
Faith Statement
We believe that ...
We are a people with a mission, sent by God to our neighborhood, community and all the world.
Every church member is a minister - a servant of Jesus Christ.
Prayer transforms lives and strengthens the church.
Families of every kind are a blessing from God and should be fully included in the life of the church.
Developing the faith of our children and youth is the responsibility of every member.
Grace Church is called to grow - not just in numbers, but in the depth of our faith in Jesus Christ.
God is generous and good and we find joy in sharing our blessings with others.
Christ meets us in the person of the hungry, the elderly, the child, the homeless and the stranger.