To everything there is a season …
As we move into a new spring, the Easter season and the time of planting and growth, we are challenged by God to use our talents to show off his love. Show it to be abundant. Show it to be for all people. Show it to be generous beyond human conception.
Lenten Journey
Lent is a time of transition and even new growth. We look forward to the Easter celebration that is coming but we also know that we aren’t there yet. We can’t get to Easter until we have “walked with Jesus” to the cross and the tomb.
Re-Establishing Practices
As we seem to be emerging from a Covid-dominated world to a more “normal” world, I look forward to re-establishing practices that had fallen by the wayside because of various health precautions. Larger fellowship—think Sunday Coffee Hour—and smaller group activities help us to grow together.
Starting anew. Again!
Yes, the seasons come and the seasons go. One year flows into another. And another. And another. Only one thing remains from season to season, from year to year, from generation to generation, and from age to age: GOD’S LOVE!